At Perton Primary Academy we are fortunate to have a professional and dedicated staff team committed to providing the highest quality of education and care for children. Our staff are highly skilled and qualified. We continue to meet the Investors in People standard in recognition of our commitment to ensure fulfilling roles for staff in a supportive environment.

Staff described the school as somewhere that they “really enjoy working in” and that they ” love their job”.

“A strong sense of teamwork and collegiality was found to exist amongst staff throughout the school”.

Mrs Nash

Mrs Nash


Miss Shakespeare

Miss Shakespeare


Mrs Burns

Mrs Burns

Nursery Lead and SENDCO Assistant

Mrs Darbey

Deputy Headteacher, EYFS SENDCO, Early Years Lead, Reception Teacher, Curriculum Lead, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Science, Music, Well-Being Lead.

Mrs Rose

Mrs Rose

Reception Teacher, Art and D & T Lead

Mr Naik

Year 1 Teacher, ICT, PE and Educational Visits Lead

Miss Poilblanc

Miss Poilblanc

Year 2 Teacher, English Lead, Deputy DSL and KS1 Phase Leader

Miss Moore

Mrs Holland

Year 3 Teacher, PSHE, History, Forest School and Co-Curriculum Lead

Mrs. Everitt

Mrs Everitt

Teaching Support: Teaching Assistant/Breakfast Club

Mrs. Taylor

Mrs Taylor

Teaching Support: Teaching Assistant & Cover Supervisor

Miss Head

Miss Head

Teaching Support: Teaching Assistant

Mrs Kennerley

Mrs Kennerley

Teaching Support: Teaching Assistant

Mrs Kaur

Mrs Kaur

Teaching Support: Teaching Assistant & Cover Supervisor

Miss Mayo

Miss Mayo

Teaching Support: Teaching Assistant

Mrs Chapman

Mrs Chapman

Personal Welfare Assistant, Breakfast Club and After School Club

Mrs Golden

Mrs Golden

Teaching Support: Early Years Support

Mrs Hemmings

Mrs Hemmings

Teaching Support: Personal Welfare Assistant

Mrs Whiddon

Mrs Whiddon

Teaching Support: Lunchtime Supervisor and After School Club

Miss Walker

Miss Walker

Personal Welfare Assistant/After School Club

Mrs Westwood

Mrs Westwood

Teaching Support

Mrs Wallett

Mrs Wallett

School Secretary

Mrs Owen

Mrs Owen

Pre-school and Nursey Admin Officer

We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

Join the Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.