Our Ambition
At Perton Primary Academy, we want to nurture all children including those in receipt of Pupil Premium to grow into inspired, confident and inquisitive individuals. We want to support all children to achieve their very best. We wish to instil a passion for learning and self-improvement long after they leave our school.
How the pupil premium grant is allocated to address the needs of pupils at Perton Primary Academy and the reasons for that approach.
Whole school approach:
Funding is used to support training for leaders as well as for building an immersive and relevant curriculum in all subjects: supporting staff and leading change through improving teaching and learning. Funding is also used to support resourcing subjects well in order to deliver the curriculum effectively; providing opportunities for building cultural capital; building on knowledge and making knowledge stick.
Following data analysis; writing, spelling and vocabulary continue to be areas that the school must prioritise. As part of the 2023-2024 ADP there is a whole school focus on raising the attainment in writing; focusing on the development of transcription and sentence structure whilst being immersed in a vocabulary rich environment.
Reading continues to be stronger than writing. This is monitored and championed by schemes and online resources such as RWI and Big Cat assessments across the school.
Improving home school links continues to be a focus through enrichment opportunities in school and celebrating learning outside of the classroom. This is based on research by the EEF which shows that positive parental involvement can have a moderate impact on pupil attainment. https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/evidence/teaching-learning-toolkit/parental-involvement/
Individual Support:
Nurture support continues to show improved outcomes for pupils emotionally and socially. These sessions are focused on individual need and measured through Boxall profiles, teacher assessment and pupil and parent/carer voice. This approach is based on research by the EEF which shows that targeting social and emotional barriers can have a moderate impact on attainment. https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/evidence/teaching-learning-toolkit/social-and-emotional-learning/ .
Academic interventions are planned for and resources specific to individual need allocated to support learning in school or at home. Additionally, support is given to pupils to allow them to access the curriculum or build cultural capital such as subsidising residential trips or music lessons.
Small group:
The small group interventions of previous years have had mixed results. Where these were successful in raising attainment and progress they were continued. These take the form of quality first teaching intervention and TA support and interventions outside of core learning time. This strategy is based on the findings from the “Pupil Premium Net Steps” published by The Sutton Trust which emphasises the importance of targeted intervention. http://www.suttontrust.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Pupil-Premium-Summit-Report-FINAL-EDIT.pdf
Diminishing the difference across the curriculum
Our aim is to ensure that all pupil premium pupils are able to attain as well as those not eligible across the curriculum. This is measured both against their peers and national figures. With this aim, subject leaders measure progress and attainment in their subjects and identify barriers to address these in their action plans. Pupil premium funding can be requested to support the needs of the action plans and the impact is measured.
In 2023-2024 we will continue to direct our actions guided by the three principles:
1 – Raising awareness of the pupils and barriers for learning in all subjects.
2- Raising expectations of pupil attainment and setting accelerated targets for pupils in order to diminish differences in attainment.
3 – Raising aspirations of pupils through building cultural capital and a community that advocates for our learners
Who monitors spending of the Pupil Premium at Perton?
All spending is closely monitored by our Local Academy Council and Head teacher Victoria Jackson.
Pupil Premium Leader: Mrs Victoria Jackson – Head teacher
Governor: Jessica Dunn – Chair of Governors
Last Update: Autumn 2023
If your child is eligible for ‘free school meals’ and you register them for this, school will receive extra funding called ‘pupil premium’. We use this extra money to improve the educational provision and resources in school.
What is Pupil Premium?
As you may be aware pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Y2 are automatically entitled to a Free School Meal under the Universal Free School Meals Scheme. You do not need to complete any forms for this and the menu and choice is the same as for those paying for their meals.
However if you are in receipt of some types of benefits, as listed below, we would ask you to register for Free School Meals even if you are entitled under the new scheme. The reason for this is that we receive additional funding for every pupil registered for free school meals on financial grounds and this funding (Pupil Premium) is targeted to directly benefit those pupils. We need your support to maintain this vital funding, please register a claim even if you will receive a meal under the above scheme.
We have used this Pupil Premium funding to provide additional classroom support for learning and for Lexia on-line reading intervention.
Future Pupil Premium will also be used to give financial support for eligible pupils to:
- attend after school clubs
- take part in school visits at a discounted cost
We would therefore encourage you to register a claim for Free School Meals if you are in receipt of any of the following:
- Income Support or Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
- Income related Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit but not Working Tax Credit and the household income is not more than £16,190
- Universal Credit
- The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
- Support under part VI of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999
If you would like more information, the please feel free to pop to the office. You can apply at the office or online at –
The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.
You can access the Academy’s outline for Pupil Premium Expenditure here:
Pupil Premium Plan 2023
Our Pupil Premium Policy and strategy are attached below:
Pupil-Premium Policy 2023-24
Perton Pupil Premium Statement 2023-2024